Gerenciamento de potência de uma microrrede híbrida CA/CC utilizando controle baseado em potência
Rhonei Patric dos Santos
This master dissertation proposes an energy management strategy for hybrid ac/dc
microgrids. This management is provided through a hierarchical control structure, where
a power-based control approach is applied to the secondary and tertiary control levels
of the microgrid. Its main characteristics are to provide a proportional power sharing
among the distributed energy resources without depending on previous knowledge of the
system electrical model. The application of the power-based control in the hybrid ac/dc
microgrid developed in this dissertation aims at: i) achieving a proportional power sharing
among the energy storage units dispersedly distributed throughout ac and dc sub-grids;
ii) state-of-charge equalization of the energy storage units in both charge and discharge
modes; iii) ensuring the microgrid operation in both grid connected and islandes modes;
iv) providing active and reactive grid power control. The results were obtained by means
of computational simulations and validated in an laboratory-scale experimental setup.
In both cases were achieved the state-of-charge equalization in charging and discharging
modes, grid-connected and islanded operation of the MG, active and reactive grid power
control and plug and play connection of the ESUs, reaching the proposed objectives of
the research.