Monografias de Especialização
A atuação dos municípios na gestão integrada de recursos hídricos: estudo de caso sobre o município de Extrema-MG
Luisa Leoni Fernandes Brandão Cabral
The present work analyzes, generally through a bibliographical review, the integrated, decentralized and participatory management of water resources in Brazil, focusing on the actions of the municipalities in the System, based on the respective Hydrographic Basin Committee. During the text, the challenges and weaknesses of the National Water Resources Management System, the functioning of each member and the progress of the implementation of the management instruments are mentioned. It is important to emphasize the importance of making possible a greater connection between the municipal governments and the respective Hydrographic Basin Committees, aiming the execution of effective actions that benefit the water resources. In this context, the municipality of Extrema, located at the southern end of the State of Minas Gerais, belonging to the Piracicaba, Capivari and Jundiaí Rivers Basins, was used as a case study to exemplify the possibility of a municipality acting in water management, based on the Municipal Water Resources Plan, implementing actions in this area of coverage.