Monografias de Especialização
Projeto de Intervenção: capacitação dos trabalhadores do Centro de Referência Especializado de Assistência Social (CREAS) da Regional Leste da Prefeitura de Belo Horizonte/MG acerca dos procedimentos de acolhida dos usuários
Glícia de Fátima Souza
It is an intervention project that had as main objective to train mid-level trainees undergoing the reception of users in East CREAS reception, to promote the improvement of welcoming to families and individuals, to be met with respect for the dignity , according to the regulations of the National Social assistance Policy. The project will be held at CREAS East Hall of Belo Horizonte / MG, with mid-level trainees. A 4-week duration with training will be undertaken with the curriculum documents that deal with social welfare policy and services offered in CREAS. The training will address the barriers experienced by trainees during the reception ofusers at the reception, through the explanation of the program content, and then envision effective techniques host. It is hoped that by training the trainees can improve their activities at the reception, reflecting the social support of individuals and families.