Monografias de Especialização
Perfil dos alunos de nível técnico de uma escola de enfermagem de Belo Horizonte
Tauana Wazir Mattar e Silva
The vocational courses are a way that many people find out to improve their life conditions, to acquire a worthy profession and optimize their advancement in the labor market. Nursing technical courses form workers who will act on the population lives. Therefore, it is hoped that actions bear ethics, principles and values, as well as competencies and skills, instituting making with knowing how to make it. It is necessary to realize that certain educational institutions make changes in the curriculum and in the teaching plans without first systematically assess the profile of regular and graduated students originated a restlessness that deserves to be seen in a scientific way. The search is relevant because it understands nursing technician level students, in addition to the importance that vocational education has in their lives. The objectives of the study were to characterize the students of a nursing technician course in a school of Belo Horizonte and identify their expectations upon completion of the course. This is a cross-sectional study, descriptive, exploratory type held in the city of Belo Horizonte, in a private nursing school. The maintainer is a philanthropic institution that has evangelical philosophy principles and relied on a sample of 95 students. The found results have confirmed that most students were female, aged between 26 and 30 years old, unmarried, without children, who lived, worked and studied in Belo Horizonte, at their own home, with family income between two and three minimum Brazilian salaries, and which used as media, cell phone, computer and internet. Most also attended elementary and high school on a regular basis, had no prior professional training and assessed the process of learning of the course in progress as excellent, being the teachers the most responsible for this result. The majority considered the trainee program effective, even at the beginning of the course. The physical fatigue was appointed as the predominant difficulty to complete the course. There was divergence in the choice of areas with more practice, but the affinity desire to start in the formal labor market was the expectation of the majority. The results will provide subsidies for targeted review of the curriculum, adequacy of methodologies and evaluation of education used coherence of curricular action plan with audience expectations. Although there are studies on the vocational nursing, scientific production on the student profile of nursing technician course is still scarce.