dc.contributorMarcos Elias Sala
dc.contributorCarla Juscélia de Oliveira Souza
dc.contributorEliane Ferreira Campos Vieira
dc.contributorCláudia Regina Fonseca Miguel Sapag Ricci; Tânia Margarida Lima Costa
dc.creatorJeane Renata Aparecida Silva Guimarães
dc.description.abstractThe present work had as a research line the Active Learning Methodologies, with the objective of analyzing and discussing their contribution to the development of investigative autonomy of elementary school students. In this sense, this work presents, in addition to a short bibliographic review on active learning methodologies, with emphasis on project-based learning and problem-based learning, the proposal for an action project developed at Escola Municipal Tancredo Phídeas Guimarães, who had as his observation focus the preparation by the 6th year students of a presentation for the whole school community, during the Mosaico Cultura event, seeking to gain their contribution in the construction of knowledge by the students in a more contextualized and autonomous way, and, thus, in promoting more meaningful teaching and learning. An itinerary memorial is also an integral part of this work, where I expose my experiences and reflections in relation to Education, outlining the path taken, from the sensations and emotions experienced in childhood and adolescence, to the motivations that led me to choose the degree and the experiences and challenges faced in the classroom as a teacher.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Minas Gerais
dc.publisherCP - CENTRO PEDAGOGICO - 1o.GRAU
dc.publisherCurso de Especialização em Residência Docente para a Formação de Educadores da Educação Básica
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.subjectMetodologias ativas de aprendizagem
dc.subjectAprendizagem baseada em projetos
dc.subjectAprendizagem baseada em projetos
dc.subjectAprendizagem baseada na resolução de problemas
dc.subjectAprendizagem baseada na resolução de problemas
dc.subjectAutonomia investigativa
dc.subjectAutonomia investigativa
dc.titleMetodologias ativas de aprendizagem no ensino de Geografia: um caminho possível para a formação da autonomia investigativa nos estudantes do 6º ano do Ensino Fundamental
dc.typeMonografia (especialização)

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