Dissertação de Mestrado
O trabalho docente na escola integrada
Jose Silvestre Coelho
Integrated education, integral school and full time school have become subject of recent researches and are considered an emergent theme in Brazil, among others, as it is the case of teaching. The present work intended to investigate teaching in the integrated school, in the environment of the Rede Municipal de Educação de Belo Horizonte - RME-BH (Municipal Education System of Belo Horizonte). It had the aim to profile the Integrated School Program PEI, the referred system, and the teachers interviewed at the N School, as well as the subject teachers of the N Integrated School. To characterize the teachers work, we have identified the actors, what they do and in which conditions they perform their tasks in those two basic education institutions. We have sought, also, to map the emergency of roles and functions derived from new demands and attributions, as well as getting to know the contract forms, the salary conditions and of career of the teachers. We should underline that, in the present dissertation, the subject teachers were limited to the monitors trainees from superior education institutions; cultural agents; and young apprentice; from the local communities; community teacher; regent teacher, the pedagogical coordinators and to the school managers principal and sub-principal, due to the profile done to study the referenced object. We intended to connect also to the perspective of the repercussions that the changes on the gestion and organization of the school work brought by the educational reforms of the last decades has conditioned a new educative regulation. Such regulation is based on the local management, on the percapit fostering, and in the systemic evaluation, axis that can be redefining identities and the teachers profiles on the Brazilian Basic Education. From the methodological point of view, we chose a quanti-quali research, based on a bibliographic review that used theoretical referential for the present investigation, illuminated by the authors contributions that addressed the teachers work presently. In an analogous way, we have also revised a bibliography of integral education, searching still the studies related to the RME-BH with the purpose of getting o know the policies of the Municipy of Belo Horizonte for teacher work and for the PEI. The results found indicate that factors as the lack of physical structure, the low wage paid to the PEI's teachers and the low formation demanded by the program, added to the precary work and study conditions constitute themselves in the centrality of the problems faced by the "N Integrated School", what have brought negative repercussions for the teachers' work of the "N School, according to the subject teachers interviewed at that educational institution.