Monografias de Especialização
Proposta de formação de uma equipe interdisciplinar e um protocolo para o atendimento do paciente fissurado no PSF de Machado - MG
Juliana Pereira Soares Moreira
This study arises from my experience as a dentist's Health Program (PSF) on Machado - MG through indirect care activities performed in the users suffering from cleft lip and palate and their families, especially the difficulties in offering them a more integral and humanized care. In this sense, the objective was to review the literature on the problem of crack labiopalatal and treatment for the formation of an interdisciplinary team and a protocol for patient care in cleft PSF. Provides for the inclusion of oral health, patients with cleft especially in primary care through family health teams. There are instruments for aid healths actions in the cleft of the family health program as the host connection and accountability, the basic unit of health interventions such as therapeutic area and by visits of professionals in family health program. In contrast there are also factors that hinder the inclusion of such actions as: the lack of reference and cross-reference between the program of family health and oral health services in the specialized area of cleft palate, cleft lip, the reluctance of the FP (Familys Phisician) to take these problems patients within their territory of operation, the users' difficulty in recognizing as the primary gateway to treatment and especially the absence of an ongoing education process for all FP.