Dissertação de Mestrado
Análise de sensibilidade de metodologias para monitoramento da segurança do sistema elétrico quanto à estabilidade de tensão
Raisa Dias Barbosa
This master thesis addresses the topic of Voltage Stability in aspects related to the monitoring of power systems security. The work presents, specifically, a sensitivity analysis of some methodologies used for the calculation of Network Equivalent in realtime operation. The analysis evaluates the impact of the variation of the methodologies parameters in the results of the power system security studies. The analyzed methodologies are a result of the work developed by the researcher team of LRC/PPGEE/UFMG. The methodologies are projected to build network equivalents, using voltage and currents phasors measuring data, collected in power system buses. The sensitivity analysis evaluates and registers the behavior of the equations that define each of the studied methodologies, during their parameters variation. This analysis gave rise to a proposal of the adjustment in the equations parameters, aiming at the appropriate choice of values that lead to the convergence of the equivalent impedances to the analytical reference. In addition, this master thesis presents a proposal of adaptation for the real-time application methodologies. This proposal is based on the result of analyzes performed with the actual measurement data of a bus, obtained from the Brazilian National Interconnected System. Key-words: Voltage Stability, Network Equivalent, Real-Time Monitoring, Power System Security.