Métricas educacionais e as dimensões técnica e sociopolítica de instrumentos de políticas públicas
André Ricardo Barbosa Duarte
This thesis focuses on specific public policy instruments: population censuses and school
censuses. The general objective is to investigate the construction of educational metrics,
through the production of data and indicators resulting from these instruments. This thesis
also investigates how different metrics are related to changes in the administrative power of
the country. The political sociology of public action configures the analytical framework of
approach, and the literature review, in relation to population and school censuses, indicating
this framework of analysis as deriving from the intersection of the fields of knowledge of
political sociology, statistics, demography, social history, and education. Such argument
considers that the organization of educational and school data constitute public policy
instruments which in turn become technical and sociopolitical devices articulating the
relations between administrative power (governments) and the administered (governed). This
study is organized in four chapters. To begin, the introduction summarizes the trajectory and
processes of this investigation with the description of the object and the objectives, and
presents the reasons that led to the choices adopted in this thesis. The introduction is followed
by a chapter that synthesizes the analytical framework of the research, based on the French
neo-institutionalist approach. It considers public policies as collective capacities regulating
societies, mediated by different and socially widespread knowledge and by actors in both
governments and society. The subsequent chapter conducts a retrospective study of the
development of the instruments that enabled population censuses in Brazil in the colonial and
imperial era. The objective is to demonstrate how, historically, the first metrics were
constructed and how they provided knowledge about the population and the educational
situation. The third chapter investigates the intersections between the instruments used to
collect data on school education in Brazil. In this chapter were analyzed the administrative
records produced by the provinces between the years 1834 and 1889 and the educational data
collected by the population censuses of 1890, 1900, 1910 and 1920. The chapter evidences the
creation of the first lists of educational data and the statistics derived from them, as well as the
elaboration of the first indicators concerning the progress of school education. The fourth
chapter analyzes the instruments used exclusively for collecting school and educational data
in the period of the First Republic (1889 to 1930). The objective is to demonstrate how
different metrics influenced the initial development of School Censuses in Brazil and the
differences and associations established between school statistics (data originating from
administrative records and School Censuses) and educational statistics (product of
demographic censuses). Finally, this thesis concludes that different metrics are the result of
public action in historically situated moments and that the changes they experienced over time
establish the production of educational data and indicators as a component of measuring the
country's progress.