dc.contributorLaise Conceicao Caetano
dc.contributorElysangela Dittz Duarte
dc.contributorNagela Cristine Pinheiro Santos
dc.creatorCaroline Araújo Mendes
dc.description.abstractThis study is a descriptive type of literature review and the study performed in the database of the Latin American and Caribbean Health Sciences (LILACS), using the following keywords: vaginal childbirth and cesarean. We retrieved 464 articles in different languages: Portuguese, English and Spanish published between the years 2002 to 2011. In the analysis of 32 studies were selected titles for superficial reading of the summaries that referred to the object of study, these 20 were excluded because they do not fit the inclusion criteria were that articles in the English language while being related to the theme. We then carried out a thorough reading of each article with the interpretation of texts, and built a list of categories originating in the review articles seeking to answer the objectives. We identified the following analytical categories: Factors that influence the choice of women, factors associated with public and private institutions and factors associated with professional influence. Articles selected by the pain is the reason most often cited by women for choosing the way of childbirth. Women with a higher socio-economic level are most likely to have a Caesarean childbirth, the opinion of the professional is directly related to the choice of way of childbirth of pregnant women. It is necessary to change the performance of the professional and service activities in the supplementary health assistance to pregnant women. We need to identify the fears and beliefs, including political institutions with the adoption of the humanization of childbirth program leading to a change of reality found in modern times. This study does not ends here, it creates opportunities for further discussions about the high rates of elective caesarean, the humanization of obstetric and consolidation of this practice in our country.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Minas Gerais
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.subjectVia de parto
dc.subjectParto normal
dc.titleVia de parto: determinantes que levam à tomada de decisão por parte da mulher
dc.typeMonografias de Especialização

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