Dissertação de Mestrado
Estudo dos determinantes da coleta domiciliar e da disposição final dos resíduos sólidos urbanos no Estado de Minas Gerais
Magnus Martins Caldeira
There are two principal objectives in this work: to analyze the covering of the public service of collection of solid waste in the urban households; and also to analyze the final disposal of these wastes in the municipal districts of the State of Minas Gerais, Brazil. About the household collection of urban solid waste, many geographic, demographic, socialand economic variables were associated with the presence / non presence of the household collection, in a descriptive and preliminary analysis. Later, some of the variables took place in a multiple logistic regression with hierarchical modelling. This modelling made possible toanalysis the interaction between household and municipal levels, supplying a more complete scenery for understand the paper of the determinants of the covering of the household collection, showing a accentuated variability in relation to the economical, space-geographicaland sanitation aspects. In relation to the final disposal of the solid wastes, each municipal related variable was associated with the total percents of wastes that receive an adequate disposition. After thisstage, the group of independent variables was included in an analysis of multiple linear regression. The results corroborate the verification of intra-estate accentuated inequalities, where the economical and populational aspects prevailed in the explanation of variability. The text shows the importance of to interact the household and municipal levels, with the objective to improve the knowledgements about the relationships between social-economics and demographic variables and the correlated municipal solid wastes aspects.