Identidad estilística de Astor Piazzolla: aportes para la construcción de una performance musical para guitarra
Sebastián Miguel Barroso
Located in the field of performance research, this work aims to investigate the stylistic identity of Astor Piazzolla, and, later, to identify elements that can contribute to musical performance for guitar. For this purpose, it was necessary to articulate the style concept to recognize Piazzolla's stylistic identity. For the style comprehension, a literature review of the studies by Adessi (2000), LaRue (2004), Moore (2001), Leonard Meyer (2000), Dixon (1967), and Ackerman (1962) was made. In addition to this review, a Piazzolla‟s biography was developed in search to understand his stylistic identity in light of the studies on cultural capital by Pierre Bourdieu (1979). The biography elaborated in this work aims to dialogue with the concepts and discussions that encompass the style study to, finally, understand and present the stylistic identity and data of the composer's performance. For this approach, the sections of the works Libertango, Fuga y Misterio, and Adiós Nonino were analyzed. After identifying and analyzing Piazzola's stylistic traits, a proposal for a guitar performance was developed to represent the composer‟s identity. For that, the work Elegía por la muerte de un tanguero by the composer Máximo Diego Pujol was selected, which provides the translation of Piazzolla's musical style in performance. The discursive threads of the life and work of Astor Piazzola reveal that both the style and the musical performance include various social and cultural factors, and are related to the individual experiences and trajectory. The results allow us to recognize that the stylistic identity enables a variety of elements that are extrinsic to a musical text, which provides re-meanings of the musical performance.