Monografias de Especialização
Bisfosfonatos e a osteointegração
Fabricia Xavier de Paula
Much has been searched regarding directed drugs to promote the reduction of the bony loss and the time of cicatrization, the improvement of the primary stability, and as well the bony quality to around the implants.. From the positive results of studies with bisphosphonates getting the inhibition of the bony reabsorption, lines of researchhave been directed to improve the tax of success in the osseointegration of implants. The aim of this study was to review the current state of knowledge of the influence of the class of drugs called the bisphosphonates in osseointegration of intraosseous implants. Thus, we conclude that the strategies of local administration of bisphosphonates are viable, mainly with the impregnation of such drugs in coverings in the implants, factor that would fit to the industry manufacturer of such components, showing a more comfortable and secure strategy to the patient and without modifying the established surgical protocols of insertion of the implants