Monografia (especialização)
A utilização da ventilação de alta frequência oscilatória em neonatos prematuros comparada a ventilação convencional
Flávia Mendes Vaz
Aim: The high-frequency oscyllatory ventilation was compared with conventional ventilation
in preterm low birth weight infants at risk of developing chronic lung disease, intraventricular
hemorrhage, cystic periventricular leukomalacia and death. Methods: Searches were
conducted in MEDLINE, PUBMED using key words high-frequency ventilation, prematurity
and respiratory failure. Inclusion criteria were studies published between 2001 and 2011. The
process of selection of studies was perfomed in three steps. The first stage was performed by
reading the titles of the studies and those that clearly did not fit any of inclusion criteria
previously established were excluded. In the second step, we performed a reading of the
abstracts of studies selected in the first stage, the same way, we excluded those that clearly
did not fit any of the inclusion criteria pre-established. In the third step, all the studies that
were not excluded in the previous steps have been read in full to those who were selected to
be included in this review. Results: The results showed that ventilating premature babies with
low weight high-frequency oscillatory ventilation is most effective and safe compared to
conventional ventilation, but there is no consensus among the studies. In many studies there
bias change mode ventilator HFOV for ventilation conventional and ventilation conventional
for HFOV, concluding that one modality is as effective as another. Conclusion: To vent a
premature baby with low birth weight is necessary to know the sport and the resources that
the respirator provides. Conventional ventilation or high frequency oscillatory ventilation,
sinceusing lung protection strategies, modalities are safe and effective.