Dissertação de Mestrado
Nivel de retinol no leite materno em nutrizes de novo cruzeiro, vale do mucuri, como indicador de estado nutricional da população
Mariana Araujo Esposito
Breast milk is the most complete food for infants. It gives them energy and nutrients in the correct amount for good nutrition in their firsts month of life. The promotion and protection of breastfeeding is therefore an important strategy in the prevention of vitamin A (Retinol)deficiency in infancy. The level of vitamin A in breast milk allows us the only one chance to reach the maternal nutritional status and go over to infant status. The objective of this study was to provide the level of Retinol and fat in mature breast milk from a sample of population of Novo Cruzeiro, Minas Gerais. It was analyzed 63 samples of breast milk that belonged to 81 children. The fat level was found by Lucas procedure and Retinol level by HPLC. Other datas was gotten through semi structured pre-coded questionnaires. The statistics analyses were performed through non parametric for paired samples. The median of Retinol was 0, 62 g/100mL and 1, 7 g/100mL of breast milk before and after the infant had breastfed also. The samples were considered statistically different ( p<0,001) for Retinol levels and for fat levels (p<0,001) before and after the child had breastfed. It can be observed that the values of Retinol before suck and the alimentary unreliability keep a negative correlation; however the measures after the suck one do not suggest no trend how much to the level of alimentary unreliability. The results also show that the values of Retinol after the suck one, in each classroom of alimentary security, are strongly bigger of what the measures before suck (The Alimentary Security p=0,005; Light Unreliability p<0,001; Moderate Unreliability p<0,001; Deep Unreliability p<0,001). Results suggest that milk to the end of the suck one provides greater Vitamin A ingestion of the suck one according to allows to classification of the population criteria of The Brazilian Scale of Unreliability Alimentary. Although, it is important to guide mothers not to interrupt the suck one and not to limit the manual expression only to initial milk.