Dissertação de Mestrado
Reutilização do detergente enzimático: avaliação do impacto da contaminação microbiana da solução na efetividade da limpeza de aparelhos endoscópicos gastrointestinais
Maria Leticia de Miranda Mati
In Brazil, it is recommended that during the cleaning of Health Products the detergent used has enzymatic action. Although Collegiate Board Resolution No. 55 of November 14, 2012 of the National Agency of Sanitary Surveillance advises against the reuse of this cleaning solution, it is known that in clinical practice they are reused several times for immersion of health products, such a gastrointestinal endoscope, which may compromise the effectiveness of the enzymatic detergent action and thus the safety in the processing. This research aimed to evaluate the microbial load present in the enzymatic detergent solution during its reuse in the manual cleaning of endoscopic gastrointestinal devices. This was a cross-sectional study performed at a gastrointestinal endoscopy service at a university hospital in Belo Horizonte and at the Oral Microbiology and Anaerobic Laboratory of ICB/UFMG. The sample consisted of 57 endoscopes and 76 aliquots of enzymatic detergent solution collected from several replicates of 19 different solutions. The collected material was vortexed, added to Modified Letheem Broth and subjected to Millipore® 0.45 m membrane filtration. The membrane was deposited in Tryptic Soy Ágar for microbial growth. The identification of the microorganisms was performed manually considering morphotintorial aspects and biochemical/physiological reactions. The variables were described using frequencies, percentages and measures of central tendency. The project was approved by the Ethics and Research Committee of the Federal University of Minas Gerais (CAAE - 67493417.1.0000.5149). The mean values of the microbial loads in the enzymatic detergent solution varied from 19.9 UFC/mL after first use, 51.1 UFC/mL after third use and 67.1 UFC/mL after the fifth reuse. In the air/water and biopsy channels there was an increase of Gram negative microorganisms along the reuse of the detergent. Enterobacter spp., Escherichia coli, Klebsiella spp., Pseudomonas spp., Staphylococcus aureus, Coagulase-negative Staphyloccocus were recovered. Pseudomonas spp. was the most identified microorganism in all aliquots collected. It was verified the importance of brushing the biopsy channel for correct removal of microorganisms. It was concluded that the reuse of enzyme detergent solutions contributed to the contamination of the endoscopes with potentially pathogenic microorganisms. It is necessary to re-evaluate institutional protocols, in order to comply with Anvisa's guidance through RDC nº. 55 of November 14, 2012 that enzymatic detergents should not be reused under loss of product efficiency. The physical characteristics of the enzymatic detergents must be observed by the health services according to the parameters established by the manufacturers.