Arquitetura computacional distribuída e colaborativa para estudos de cálculo de transitórios eletromagnéticos permitindo Interação sob-demanda.
Joao Paulo Ramos Gomes
Maxwell’s followers have always accepted a challenge. This time it would be no different. This work presents a Computational Architecture for distributed and collaborative simulations for the calculation of electromagnetic transients. Through this tool, different
systems, running on different computers in distributed locations, can connect using Internet protocols to form large systems. In an innovative way, it allows the integration between the subsystems to occur on-demand, which differentiates it from existing proposals
in the literature. In addition, it allows user interaction with the power system during the simulation. To show how the tool works, case studies are developed contemplating the on-demand operation mode. In addition to these, others are carried out to illustrate
other opportunities arising from this type of architecture. One is formed by a large system with 3200 buses, 28 wind farms and 7 solar parks. Others use smaller subsystems with 39 buses. The results show the execution time of the simulations, a brief discussion about
the latency of the communication process between computers and the collaborative work opportunities added by the tool.