Monografias de Especialização
Plano de ação para reduzir o sedentarismo no grupo de qualidade de vida da Unidade Básica de Saúde Dom Joaquim: uma ação conjunta entre os profissionais da Atenção Primária à Saúde e os usuários do sistema
Charles Oliveira de Barros
This work deals with the academic path of the student in the course of Specialization in Family Health and its professional performance at the Municipal Health of Belo Horizonte, developing activities in the Support Center for Family Health (NASF) in the Basic Health Sun Joaquim (UBSDJ) through the City Academies Programme. It is known that in contemporary non-communicable chronic diseases (NCDs) due to epidemiological transition in recent years has established itself as a major cause of disease affecting the mining population. Among the risk factors for NCDs sedentary figure as the key point of this study to try to investigate the causes of their presence in a group of women who attend UBSDJ located in the Northeast Regional Belo Horizonte. This paper seeks to build an action plan to mitigate the unfavorable conditions of sedentary users that are part of the Group Quality of Life Dom Joaquim (GQVDJ) and soften the main critical nodes found by health professionals and users UBSDJ. Among the problems encountered were those most relevant to the construction of the action plan are: inappropriate lifestyle of users of GQVDJ; few spaces for physical activity in UBSDJ, lack of intersectoral and interdisciplinary work on the realization of actions by health professionals. The action plan proposed in this study has suggested educational activities for the population, restructuring the way of working NASF, with proposed changes in the workload of its staff, as well as sectors work together in the pursuit of partnerships with other entities civil society in pursuit of expanding spaces for the promotion of health and especially for users of GQVDJ awareness of the importance of self-care and co-responsibility for health. Showing that adopting a healthy lifestyle (physical activity, balanced diet, avoiding smoking and alcohol), depends not only on professionals of Primary Health Care (PHC) but also the users of the system.