Dissertação de Mestrado
Representações sobre sexualidade de pessoas com Diabetes Mellitus ou hipertensão arterial sistêmica
Nathalia Cristina Pereira da Costa
Non-communicable diseases (NCD) are some of the greatest healthy public issues. NCD are the main reason morbidity and mortality in the world and in Brazil. Among NCDs, can be highlighted Systemic Hypertension (SH) and Diabetes Mellitus (DM). SH and DM have a group of risk factors responsible for a large number of dies and for a substantial fraction of Brazilian population diseases. These diseases, besides changing corporal physiology and causing physical dysfunctions, affect and are affected by psychological and social conditions. That condition interferes directly and indirectly with the sexuality of people who has NCD. The interferences are originate by both diseases aspects and subjective aspects (such as corporal image, self-love and self-care), these aspects some times are neglected. The objective of this study was understand the ways of thinking of the people who has SH or DM about sexuality. It is a qualitative research based on Social Representations Theory, based on Alain Giami propositions. Deep and open interviews were made with 25 people that uses the Belo Horizonte primary health care services. The Structural Analysis of Narrative was processed with the software MAXQDA12 and used to expose the data content. Final results were organized in two categories: 1) Representations of the subject about its sexuality; 2) Approach to sexual health in the health care process. There werent differences between the speeches of people with DM and SH. But there were differences between the discourses of male and female, showing the social norms influence in the sexuality people lifeway. In general study participants understand that sexuality is equal to sexual act. Some women related sexuality with corporal image and self-esteem, some participants related with affect and amorousness. The representation of sexual relations were always positive for men, included those who had sexual dysfunction or without an active sexual life. Men discover their sexuality through masturbation, between the end of childhood and start of adolescence, and shortly thereafter they use to have their first sexual relation. In the other hand, women uses to start their sexual life latter than men, generally when they get married or shortly before. In this way, they have less sexual experiences and partners than men. Not all women had positive representations about sexuality. Sexual life wasnt central in their lives, and, frequently, their sexual lives were understood as obligation with their sexual partner. Female masturbation is also a taboo and usually it isnt practiced by women, they believe that they need a partner to have their sexuality. When interviewees were asked about having sexuality alterations, they related not perceived any alterations. However, deepening into the subject, they informed sexual dysfunctions situations, signals and symptoms, in which they were living as a simple part of the sexuality natural cycle. The most reported dysfunctions by women were: libido reduction, lubrication reduction or loss, and orgasmic dysfunction. The most reported by men were: reduction of the sexual frequency and erectile dysfunction. Age, menopause, and problems related to life (as violence, economic conditions and family care), were reported as the mainly factors to begin those dysfunctions. There is almost no approach about sexual health in the process of health care services. According to interviewees, health professionals dont put information about their sexual life in the users health forms. When they do, it is in a punctual way, superficially and timidly, ignoring the care integrality. Most of the interviewees consider necessary and positive the approach to sexual health. It can help them improve their lives and prevent diseases and injuries. Results show that exist a sexuality denial and its consequences, both by people who has SH or DHand by health professionals of basic health care. Not approaching to sexuality, health professionals keep taboo about it and deny integral health care. It is necessary to adopt measures that improve professional qualification and inserts the theme in health services actions routine.