Monografias de Especialização
Investigando a gravidez na adolescência e seus determinantes nos dias de hoje
Bruna Re Carvalho
This study has for purpose to do a bibliographical survey of research performed in Brazil in order to investigate the different reasons nowadays to explain early pregnancy. The question-hypothesis guiding the study was: the adolescents have been getting pregnant today due to lack of knowledge about contraceptive methods and/or desire/satisfaction of getting pregnant? This is a bibliographic review of the narrative theme. The sources of research used were articles published in the Biblioteca Virtual de Saúde, in databases Lilacs and Scielo and also work degree published in the Biblioteca Virtual do Núcleo de Educação em Saúde Coletiva (NESCON) and PhD theses published in the Internet. It is concluded that there are a diversity of causal factors of pregnancy in adolescence as: lack of knowledge of contraception, difficult in having access to contraceptive methods, inappropriate use or not use of them, deficit in sex education in schools, families and health, preplanning, change of life, escape, design life and to the satisfaction and status that promotes motherhood. Thus we should not consider that the pregnancy in adolescences occur only by the lack of knowledge contraceptives methods, but by several causes.