dc.contributorMaria Rizoneide Negreiros de Araujo
dc.contributorMatilde Meire Miranda Cadete
dc.creatorLuana de Matos Mariano e Sousa
dc.description.abstractBreast cancer is the most common malignancy in women worldwide, with one million new cases each year. It is the most common cancer among women, accounting for about 20 % of all cancers worldwide. The risk factor most well established for the development of breast cancer is age, in addition to genetic and endocrine factors. The possibilities of the appearance of breast cancer increases with age. Mammography becomes of paramount importance with regard to early screening for asymptomatic women the beneficial effects are large, for example, the reduction of mortality from breast cancer and more effective and less aggressive treatments. This study aimed to develop an intervention project with the aim of proposing actions to be undertaken by nurses and their staff in order to increase the adherence of women to mammography. Nurses should be trained so that it becomes sensitive and understand the attitudes, practices, anxieties fears cultures women her active area in relation to breast cancer for better planning of adherence to tests to prevent this disease.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Minas Gerais
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.subjectPrevenção de Câncer de Mama
dc.subjectCâncer de Mama
dc.titleO papel da Enfermagem na busca pela adesão ao exame de mamografia como ferramenta importante para rastreamento do câncer de mama
dc.typeMonografias de Especialização

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