Dissertação de Mestrado
O rio atrai os sonhadores: sonho e devir em Sleeping by the Mississippi, de Alec Soth
Gabriel Brisola da Cunha
The present study has its focus in analysing the corpus of Sleeping by the Mississippi, a photographic book from Alec Soth, published in 2004. Firstly we approach photography within contemporary art, going through several discourses and weighing their relevances to our work. In sequence, we approach the photobook according to two axis: a macro one, looking from the perspective of the books images and crossing these with several other images within the history of photography to extract the works thematics substrates, in a caleidoscopic manner; the other axis called micro thinks about the aesthetic of the images of the work itself, in order to analyze how these incarnate the broad themes of the photobook. The current work mobilizes, as theoretical pillars, the works of Rancère, Bergson and Deleuze.