Monografias de Especialização
Prevenção de gravidez não planejada na adolescênciaconversando com a comunidade: conversando com a comunidade
Natália Drumond de Almeida
Adolescence is an important point in biological evolution in which one is able to guarantee the perpetuation and reproduction of the species (Beretta et al, 2011). It is also a period of instability biopsychosocial (Pinto et al, 2013). Early sexual activity experienced by teenagers, has been the subject of many discussions nowadays. In part by the risks inherent in their realization without previous physical and psychological knowledge. It is common for health services accompany pregnant adolescents who report that the pregnancy was not planned. This therefore becomes a public health problem due to the implications of their occurrence. Inaddition, that has been noticed, not systematically in the territory covered by Health Strategy Unit Family IV Açucena. It is observed, also, other problems arising by this such as: loss of school bond that generates the decline in municipal literacy indicators, reduction of skilled labor for the labor market; impact on family income, self-esteem and family bonding,increased involvement by Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs), among others. build an intervention project aimed at reducing unplanned teenage pregnancy. It is believed that a project of this nature will eventually pass in the safest forms of contraception in a better quality of life and sexual health of adolescents in the reduction in STD rates as well as to influence the rates of unplanned pregnancies early. The methodology to be used will be the social implications with workshops that will take place at school with teenagers between 5and 9 school year, parents, teachers and religious representatives. Thus , this partnership will be consolidated , in a privileged way through health education practices in addressing such a complex issue , allowing the appropriation of knowledge as wisdom .