Monografias de Especialização
Análise das coberturas vacinais e doenças imunopreveníveis de 2002-2012 no município de Belo Horizonte Minas Gerais
Fabiana Ramos de Menezes
Objective: To analyze the historical evolution of vaccine coverage (CV) in the period from 2002 to 2012, and the incidence of vaccine-preventable diseases in the city of Belo Horizonte -MG and describe the impact of the first on the latest. Methods: We performed a descriptive study based on data from the National Program of Immunization Information System (SI- PNI) in the period 2002-2012; the data regarding the incidence of vaccine-preventable diseases were removed from the Interagency Network of Information for health (RIPSA). Results: vaccine coverage that reached better results in children under 1 year of age were for BCG vaccines, Pneumococcal 10 and Meningococcal , and with coverage below the target were Hepatitis B , DTP-Hib , Anti- Polio , Rotavirus vaccine and Yellow fever , viral campaigns and routine triple presented heterogeneous coverage . The OPV campaigns had reduced the coverage during the period analyzed, and the campaign of influenza showed low coverage among pregnant women. Diseases like measles and yellow fever not attacked the population studied throughout the period analyzed, and diseases such as diphtheria and neonatal tetanus had only one case of the disease in the same period. Conclusion: Belo Horizonte has atypical Vaccine Covers with heterogeneous values , in addition to maintaining low vaccination coverage , often close to the targets , but insufficient to ensure the control of diseases, their state of elimination or eradication .