Dissertação de Mestrado
Levantamento pedológico e perda geoquímica na Bacia do Rio Pardo Pequeno - Espinhaço Meridional - Minas Gerais
Elizabeth de Castro Santos
To the knowledge of any dynamic relative to the soils of a region, among them the geochemical denudation, is necessary first know it in an appropriate scale for the purpose proposed. Aimed to understand how is the development and organization of relief forms is necessary to be considered in addition to the physical output, emptying geochemist.Therefore, it is necessary to know which elements contribute to the process of chemical dissolution of silica how this process occurs, and relate them to their region of insertion.This study aims at investigating the losses and their geochemical correlations between soils and topography in the basin of the upper course of the Prado Pequeno river.This study involved field activity to identify the different soil units occurring in this region in order to delimit their mapping. In addition, it was collected soil sample in eight profiles in the different lithologies occurring in the study area.The samples, after dried and sieved, werekept moist and incubated during 30 days and then subjected to leaching tests with distilled water. To check the influence of pH on hydrolysis process, some samples were selected for testing with solutions of acidic and basic pH. It also performed a textural analysis. The soilunits occurring in the area are Quartzarenic Neosol, Quartzarenic Litolic, Gleysol and Haplic Cambisol. The results indicated differences in leaching losses in the different lithologies and geochemical soil types, but it wasn´t identified differences when considering the position inthe landscape. The analyzes indicate that the leachate from the elements analyzed Sodium is the most followed by calcium, silica, potassium and magnesium. In some samples was significant loss of silica which is regarded as a low mobility.This may be associated with the lithology of the region that is rich in this element. Tests conducted with solutions of pH 4 and 9, showed the influence of pH variation on the availability of elements for the leaching. The concentration of the elements in the tests with solutions the pH values higher than those obtained with distilled water.