Dissertação de Mestrado
O sentido dos atos de ensinar e aprender: a experiência do Canal Minas Saúde
Lizziane d'ávila Pereira
This study is aimed at analyzing the perception of healthcare professionals and local administrators as to the contributions these courses, given by the Minas Health Channel, have in their daily work practices. It also sought to identify the channel's proposals for further education from the perception of healthcare professionals and management staff, how these professionals associate the course subjects with their daily work and to describe the need for changes in the courses offered in order to give support to organizing work practices in primary care. The Minas Health Channel was created in 2008; it is part of the state healthcare system and aims at offering distance courses to provide support to the implementation of services in the Unified Healthcare System. This is a qualitative descriptive exploratory study; its theoretical and methodological framework is based on dialectics. The study setting included the municipalities of Montes Claros, Juiz de Fora and Uberlandia, as they had the largest number of workers enrolled in the courses given by the Channel between 2011 and 2013, according to the Minas Gerais State Department of Health database. The state capital, Belo Horizonte, was excluded as it has its own further education system. The study participants were thirty-nine primary healthcare professionals and three local administration officials. Inclusion criteria for primary care professionals were: professionals enrolled in at least three courses given by the Channel to a target audience of primary care professionals between 2011 and 2013; those registered in the National Register of Health Facilities and practicing in healthcare units, health centers or mixed units; professionals working in the National Policy for Primary Care and those who were part of a Family Health Strategy multidisciplinary team; professionals working in any of the study settings. Data was collected through semi-structured interviews and analyzed by Thematic Content Analysis. Resolution No 466/2012 of the National Health Council was observed at all stages of the study. The analysis uncovered five empirical categories: a) Interest in training - highlighted aspects related to the courses addressed to primary care professionals; b) need to qualify the work process how theoretical and technical knowledge gained during the course may contribute to the professional practice, and vice versa; c) practical experiences - facts reported by study participants showing the acquisition of knowledge and transformation of practice; d) improving the courses suggestions made by the participants for transformation of healthcare delivery; e) training management courses and Continuing Education - helped to understand the perceptions of professional managers about the courses offered by the Channel. In conclusion, such courses given by the Minas Health Channel should incorporate the principles of continuing healthcare education enabling the interaction and sharing of knowledge between various professionals and the articulation of knowledge aimed at transforming the professional practice.