Efecto de la división del trabajo doméstico no remunerado (TDNR), del trabajo de cuidado no remunerado (TCNR) y de las actitudes de género sobre las preferencias de fecundidad de las mujeres en Colombia
Marcela Eugenia Alvear Portaccio
The effect of gender relations -measured through the distribution of Unpaid
Domestic Work (UDW) and Unpaid Care Work (UCW)-, as well as attitudes about
women's fertility preferences is a relatively recent line of study within the fertility
literature. Most of the evidence comes mainly from Europe and the United States,
while in Latin American countries this association has not been examined. In this
sense, the objective of this study is to examine how gender inequality within the
couple (distribution of UDW and UCW) and gender attitudes about women's
reproductive-productive roles affect their preferences for having a second birth in
The information comes from Colombia's 2015 Demographic and Health Survey
(DHS). The sample under study is composed of married and/or cohabiting women
with a child under 5 years of age, who were classified as traditional, egalitarian and
traditional-traditional according to the division of UDW and UCW, and as
progressive and conservative according to their gender attitudes.
The main results are: 1) the division of UDW does not play any role in the fertility
preferences of married and/or cohabiting women. In other words, regardless of
unequal or egalitarian distribution, the UDW does not enter the matrix of variables
at the time of wanting to have a second birth. 2) On the other hand, women with
equal arrangements with their partners in the UCW are more likely to want a second
birth than women with traditional arrangements. 3) Women with progressive
attitudes are less likely to want a second birth than those with conservative attitudes.
4) Women who are more inconsistent in their attitudes-behaviors - progressive
women in their imaginary versus their reproductive role, but with asymmetric
arrangements in the UCW - are less likely to want to have a second birth compared
to conservative-recharged ones.