dc.description.abstract | One of the elements that are part of the work organization, time pressure, associated with pre-existing risks can lead workers into illness. In the present study the effects of time pressure and its relationship with the illness are analyzed in association with working conditions, characterized by the presence of repetitive movements, maintained throughout the workday. Also can be observed increasing effect in the number of accidents, occurring under time pressure, during the use of tools that require focused attention and have pre-existing risks. For analysis of time pressure effects and relationship in the activity, was used the ergonomic analysis method, applied to the activity of hairdressers, microentrepreneurs in an informal beauty salon, performing operational and administration tasks, at the same time, in the business. The intensification of work and self-acceleration are mechanisms adopted by the workers to meet the demands of a market where competition is increasingly competitive, the billing is done by attendance made and services performed generate little unit profit. The workers submit to these conditions, over their health, due to the constant threat of losing customers and, consequently, further reduce in the monthly billing. The results achieved were able to identify the illness in the hairdressers and their possible association with the time pressure and the accumulation of operational and management activities. Time pressure reduces the duration of work cycles and sub cycles, promoting the intensification of repetitive movements that, in the present study, are maintained during the most part of the working day. Under time pressure was also possible to identify the occurrence of burn injuries in hands and fingers and a rising number of cuts injuries in fingers and hands, while performing precision tasks | |