O dispositivo disciplinar da Arquitetura nas práticas autoconstruídas
Geruza Lustosa de Andrade Tibo
The research deals with a theme already incorporated in the speeches and technical practices of architecture as truths: the concept of self-construction and the technical performance of ar- chitecture itself as a discipline. It investigates the construction of these discourses and practices as truths based on their shaping structures in the instances that legitimize them: economic, political and technical. The theoretical-methodological approach adopted is based on Foucault’s theory, mobilizing, above all, the concept of dispositif. To Foucault, dispositif are heterogeneous elements that strategically associate at a given time to produce materialities. The architectural discourses that structure this disciplinary knowledge configure a dichotomy in the urban space: disciplinary architecture and architecture not produced by the premises of disciplinary archi- tecture. The objective of the research is to understand how the dispositive of architecture are activated as a discipline (disciplinary devices) in the production of non-disciplinary architectu- re, with the analysis focused on the case of the concept of self-construction. The concept of self- construction has in its shaping a series of layers of overlapping meanings, and the exploration of this formation structure allows the exposure of its layers and, from that, the understanding of its constructive practices, which allowed the analysis of discursive practices which were objects of this analysis. Disciplinary dispositif are explored in the activation of justified technical actions through the application of Law 11888 of 2008, which deals with free technical assistance and the practice of Technical Assistance for Social Interest Housing (ATHIS). Disciplinary devices in the construction practices of residents attended by Law 11888/08, residents who are subject to construction, are analyzed from four groups of technical activity: academic ties, through research and extension groups; based on ties of the State; company practices, focusing on the activities of non-profit organizations; and the practices of for-profit associations and companies characterized as having a social impact. Within ATHIS’s lines of action, the analysis focused on housing improvements, through assistance and technical advice. The analysis of these practices allows the understanding of the existence of a displacement of disciplinary dispositif in relation to the production of materialities in non-disciplinary production. In this sense, the activation of these dispositif based on disciplinary arrangements does not contribute to the practices adopted by the construction subjects, while the activation of the dispositif with arrangements attentive to manual labor and construction materials promotes materialization. From these verifications, it is evident the need to think about another logic of promoting materialities. The driven dispositif must promote non-disciplinary arrangements and in this sense, a dispositif logic that is trig- gered by the construction subject is proposed. The indicative of the dispositif is given through digital mechanisms that allow acceptance without having to permeate the discipline, focusing on the availability of resources for construction materials and labor, thereby meeting non-disci- plinary demands, promoting autonomy and strengthening practices of the construction subject.