Artigo de Evento
Especificação do nível de critério de avaliação da poluição acústica perante multicritérios de sua definição
2018Registro en:
DOI: 10.17648/sobrac-87041
Victor Mourthé Valadares
This work exposes the complexity about criteria assessment level (NCA) definition in verifying noise
pollution face disjointed multi-criteria definition procedures. The exposition took in account two case
studies from author investigations. This prevalence of multi-criteria in praxis becomes confuse the
definition of NCA in impartial and ethical way. It involve time consuming and more expansive
professional work as so miscomprehension about the situation by actors involved. In this scenery, the
definition of NCA must be do based by more restrictive criteria, only possible to be revealed by multicriteria approach lighted on the case studies. From what it was exposed here, it is hoped a motivation by the legislators in providing jointed procedures to assessment noise pollution.