Monografias de Especialização
Os mecanismos neurais subjacentes às experiências envolvendo sensopercepção e abordagens terapêuticas centradas no corpo
Sergio Luiz de Oliveira e Silva
This end of course work with specialization in Neuroscience and Behavior aims at being a study on the neuron psycho physiological mechanisms underlyingtthe meditative and therapeutic experiences involving senseperception - A conscious experience in which the sensory-perceptive object is the body itself. This phenomenon is present in therapeutic approaches centered on the body, whereas sensory perception is not only a psychic function but also a mindbody resource. In this context, the expression felt sense translates and portrays suchprocess, an experience that enhances self-regulation of SNA and modulates the frequency of brain waves. Firstly, I will present a comparative study of theories involving the connection among brain, mind and body, as well as studies concerning the development of sensory-perceptive consciousness. Afterwards, I highlight the neurophysiologic mechanisms and components involved in such process contextualizing the practices in which sense-perception is an effective therapeutic resource. I wish that this work may motivate and encourage future research conveying more knowledge regarding boosting resources on body consciousness.