dc.contributorEleonora Sad de Assis
dc.creatorAndrea Juliana de Oliveira Sa
dc.description.abstractPost-Occupancy Evaluation is a method of checking the quality of the built environment, considering the needs of building occupants. Through the APO is possible to assess the likelihood of incorporating technologies and materials in order to adapt the building to the performance criteria recommended by laws and standards, providing greater comfort (environmental) security and functionality for users and economic feasibility for the owner. The Post-Occupancy Evaluation differs from other types of assessments to be facing the built environment, by evaluating the use of environments and feedback from users. The evaluation starts by constructive and functional aspects, permeates the aspects of comfort and concludes with verification environments and / or construction elements that require upgrades and updates, contributing to the welfare of users and increasing the lifetime of the building. The post-occupancy evaluation of the Hotel Normandy was developed using a deductive approach, through analysis and interpretation of qualitative data (evaluation of characteristics) and quantitative (numerical measurement and data) collected on site to analyze the thermal performance, acoustic and luminous regulatory environments within the parameters generating diagnoses and recommendations.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Minas Gerais
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.subjectAvaliação pós-ocupação
dc.subjectAcústico e lumínico
dc.subjectConforto ambiental: térmico
dc.titleAvaliação de pós-ocupação e renovação de empreendimento hoteleiro através da analise de desempenho térmico, acústico e luminoso de ambientes segundo parâmetros normativos
dc.typeMonografias de Especialização

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