Artigo de Periódico
Poliamor: abordagem jurídica acerca das uniões simultâneas e poliafetivas
César Augusto de Castro Fiuza
Otávio de Abreu Portes Júnior
The present work introduces a legal approach to simultaneous and polyaffective unions, according to the peculiarities of each form of relationship. It analyzes how the evolution of family organization influences the configuration and recognition of rights, taking into account several principles of the legal system. It analyzes precedents from the superior and state courts that have ruled on the subject. The object of this study will be family law, polyamorous family, simultaneous and multi-affective unions. As for the methodological aspects, this work is developed in the theoretical-dogmatic aspect, which is carried out through a detailed bibliographical and documentary search on the subject. It adopts, predominantly, the hypothetical-deductive reasoning. The text is based on foreign and national bibliography.