Monografias de Especialização
Organização do trabalho e produtividade: o caso dos eletricistas do plantão de uma concessionária de energia elétrica
Marina Costa de Oliveira
The search for competitivity, which begun in the early 80s with the opening of the national territory to the international market, took many Brazilian companies to for increased productivity and product quality, aiming for greater profits and lower costs. Many organizations, then, opted to adopt new management models that provided quality control, reduction of employees number and the modernization of the technology. This new form of labor organization and management reflected negatively to some companies, starting some production problems.In the beginning of 2010, an Electrical Energy Producer and Distributor Concessionary, located in Minas Gerais, Brazil, was presenting one of its Units of Distribution with the monthly production per electrician under the established mark of 6,5 US (Unit Service)/electrician/ month. An Ergonomic Work Analysis (EWA) then took place to analyze the issues that influenced the electricians activity and to establish the main problems that influenced the observed low production levels. After identification of the variables that contributed to the low production levels, and there after to the low productivity of the employees, it became clear that the great majority of issues were related to the companys work and/ or production organization. The present study, in deed, analyses and discuss the impact of organizational characteristics in the workers labor activity and productivity.As a result, it was observed that the lack of autonomy and the great pressure that falls over the electricians, originated from work organization, forces them choose between their many priorities giving more importance to some despite of the others, given the sudden of the situation. In deed, the organizational characteristics are of huge importance to facilitate or difficult the execution of the tasks, in reaching the goals and in the development of workers technical capacities and capabilities, generating the opposite of what it was intended to do, raise competitivity front the international market