Tese de Doutorado
Indicadores hematológicos e imunológicos após estresse crônico por hipoxia em tilápia (Oreochromis niloticus), linhagem chitralada
Daniela Chemim de Melo
This study was aimed at evaluating the secundary response variation to hypoxia stress during 18 days, in recirculation system, in a strain chitralada of nilotic tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus), chitralada, measured by blood biochemical, haematologics parameters and in the proteic eletrophoretic profile and evaluate the difference between grnder. One hundred twenty six fish were used, 60 male and 66 female, both averaging 800g. After the chronic hypoxia stress, the tilapias showed alteration (P<0,05) in the total number of platelets, in the absolute level of albumin, and in the relatives levels of á ad ã-globulin, the stress altered too in the serun level of glucose, VG, erythrocytes and haemoglobin due to increase in the female group, leucocytese due to increase in the relative level of lymphocyites and total protein, altered the levels ofcreatinine, phosphorus, the relatives levels of eosinophils and absolute of á-globulin (P<0,05) due to decrease in both gender due to increase in the male group and the level of phosphorus and creatinine (P<0,05) due to decrease in both gender. Regarding gender, the female group showed higher levels (P<0,05) of cortisol, alkaline phosphatase, cholesterol, HGM, CHGM, albumin, â-globulin and relative valours of ã-globulin than male. However, male group showed increase of VGM than female.