dc.contributorNilo de Oliveira Nascimento
dc.contributorAdriano de Paula e Silva
dc.contributorAdriano de Paula e Silva
dc.contributorPriscilla Macedo Moura
dc.contributorElaine Carballo Siqueira Corrêa
dc.contributorSilvia Maria de Souza Selmo
dc.contributorKobiyama, Masato
dc.creatorCristiane Machado Parisi
dc.description.abstractThis dissertation is about the development of a method of evaluating costs concerning the recovery of damages caused by floods. The method was developed by using the analysis of floods and the knowledge of consequential pathological manifestations. There are also proposals of protection measures to reduce damages caused by floods and adaptations to make buildings more resilient. The experimental part of the essay involved inspections in buildings where it could be perceived pathological manifestations provoked by floods occurred in theBarreiro Region, (Belo Horizonte-MG), on December 31st, 2008 and January 22nd, 2009. The evaluation of recovery costs was developed by elaborating budgets of engineering´s services necessary to reconstitute buildings, in order to recover its hygienical and living conditions. Inorder to elaborate these budgets, it was adopted patterns of buildings that were similar to the inspected constructions. The evaluation of recovery costs uses as reference floods depth, which is provided by regional floods spots maps. These maps were developed usinginformation from the local Prefecture, data from a Hydrology company and hydraulic models, developed to this aim. As recovery costs demonstrate flood´s damage, they enable the obtainance of flood damage curves (FDC). These curves were elaborated to constructions without any protection measures and after the adoption of each protection measure. The curves demonstrate a tendency of increasing the recovery costs when floods depth is larger. In addition, the FDC obtained to constructions without protection measures and after theadoption of each protection measure, enable the analysis of costs and benefits of protective measures. This analysis considers the costs to implement each protection measure, the maintenance cost and the benefits obtained by reducing floods damage. Results showsituations when the implementation of protective measures is beneficial.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Minas Gerais
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.subjectCustos de recuperação
dc.subjectMedidas de proteção
dc.subjectAnálises de custos e benefícios
dc.titleAvaliação dos danos às edificações causados por águas de inundações eestudo de alternativas de proteção para tornar as edificações mais resilientes
dc.typeTese de Doutorado

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