dc.contributorMaria Beatriz Monteiro de Castro Lisbôa
dc.contributorFernanda Magalhães Duarte Rocha
dc.creatorShirley Núbia Carvalho Pimentel
dc.description.abstractThis is a literature review of scientific articles on health management performed by nurses in primary health care. The goal is to expose this national literature through the difficulties that nurses are to manage health services in primary care, identifying the factors that contribute to the enrichment of the work of the nurse as health manager. We selected 16 articles for the study. Due to the analysis of publications on management of health services performed by nurses realize that the planning of health entered as a set of instruments of the management is of great importance in the grounds and qualification of the work process in health and the introduction the same labor market, the commitment to perform actions on health management, which involves integration of knowledge, attitude and ability to perform a work based on ethics, quality and safety of service to the community.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Minas Gerais
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.subjectGerência dos serviços de saúde
dc.subjectCompetência profissional
dc.subjectAtenção básica
dc.titleGerência dos serviços de saúde em Atenção Primária realizada pelo enfermeiro
dc.typeMonografias de Especialização

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