Monografia (especialização)
Fatores de risco para lesões que acometem o complexo articular do tornozelo e pé em bailarinos
Renata Fernandes da Silva
Introduction: The demand imposed on the musculoskeletal system during the
performance of classic ballet movements can be high and to require dancers to rave
physical and physiological characteristics similar to professional athletes, in terms of
aerobic and anaerobic capacity, muscles, flexibility and joint stability. This high
demand associated with an inadequate capacity of the dancers can cause the
diverse injuries ligaments, muscles, bones and joints. The majority of research has
shown the ankle-foot complex (AFC) as the most commonly injured in dancers.The
injuries in AFC are responsible for great part of the removals in dance.The inquiry of
the risk factors related to the development of these injuries can be useful to and
rehabilitation processes. Objective: To conduct a critical review of literature in order
to the factors related to the development of the main pathologies of AFC in dancers:
stress fracture of the metatarsal region, Aquiles tendinopathy, ankle sprain and
posterior and anterior ankle impingement. Methodology: A literature researchwas
performed with Pubmed, Scielo and Lilacs in the period of April to August of 2011.
The keywords used were: dances (dança), classic ballet (bale clássico), injuries
(lesões), foot (pé) and ankle (tornozelo). The research was carried out without data
limit and in the Portuguese and Englishlanguages. Results and discussion: In
accordance to the bibliographical survey, it was possible to perceive that the risk
factors of the main injuries evidenced in dancers are several. The maintenance of the
positions of pointe and demi-pointe, as well as of the position of maximum external
rotation of the lower limb with extreme subtalar pronation can predispose de
development of some injuries of the AFC. The performance of repetitive movements,
in extremes of range of motion and at a reduced base of support are also factors that
can generate some musculoskeletal skeletal. Moreover, some studies indicate that
alterations in foot alignment, presence of inadequate flexibility and stiffnes of triceps
surae, low body mass index and modified hormone levels of leptine are causes of
some pathologies of the AFC. Finally, the waste of pointe shoes, the very rigid
surfaces of training and the inadequate way to tie ribbons of pointe shoes are also
considered risk factors. Conclusion: Environmental, anatomical, biomechanicals,
nutritional, hormonale, technical and physical factors contribute to the occurrence of
the main injuries in the AFC. The identification of these factors can assist the
development of preventive programs in this population, which can make possible a
bigger permanence of the dancers in the dance company.