Monografias de Especialização
Modelo de arquitetura para aplicativos utilizando adobe flex e java
Mateus Aparecido dos Santos
The main objective of this study is to produce an architectural model for software applications using Adobe Flex and Java to be implemented in the Production Management system of the USIGRA.CNC company, with headquarters in Nova Serrana Minas Gerais. For elaboration of this model, it was carried out a literature review of concepts and technologies relevant to the development of the architectural model proposed. When it comes to Web development the concept of RIA is widely linked to quality of interfaces that provide users with interactive applications and efficiently use the resources of the client server architecture. Flex went on to become one of the best alternative, because in addition to free, it has all the features necessary to communicate with several other back-end languages. Its easy structure comes down to MXML, responsible for developing the layout of the application, and ActionScript that allows the coding logic of the system. At the end of this paper will present the main features of the system of production control of the company and the development of a use case in the form of CRUD that implements the proposed architecture.