Monografias de Especialização
Intervenções para o manejo de biofilme em lesões crônicas: uma revisão integrativa
Ana Carolina Tyrone Silveira
The elimination of microbial biofilms on the surfaces of wounds has become a challenge for health professionals. Biofilms are aggregates of microorganisms able to regroup between the extracellular matrix of surface tissue, secreting extracellular polymeric substance, capable of protecting the microorganisms of antimicrobial agents, antiseptics, antibiotics and host defenses of own extracellular substance. This study aimed to establish evidence-based recommendations for the handling of biofilms in chronic lesions. For this, the integrative review was used as a metod. The article published from 2008 to 2013, was searched in MEDLINE and Cochrane Library through controlled descriptors: Therapeutic, bandages, Wounds and Injuries, Wound Infection, Skin Ulcer and uncontrolled Biofilms descriptor. To expand the possibility of identification of published studies the reverse search was also used. The sample is consisted of two studies that answer the criteria of inclusion. In these, the biofilm in chronic lesions was identified by laboratory techniques before and after the intervention. The analysis of results allowed the establish four recommendations for the appropriate management of biofilms in chronic lesions with the use of ultrasonic cavitation therapy and healing Hydroconductive with evidence level II or III. So, it was concluded that these recommendations may subsidize the clinical practice of health professionals looking for the effective healing of wounds and that there is a dearth of published studies in this area. Therefore, it is recommended clinical studies to conduct randomized and controlled in order to elucidate obscure questions about the subject.