Monografia (especialização)
Gestão de conteúdo em intranet: uma proposta de web site para o centro cultural UFMG
Gema Galgane Carneiro Peixoto
Information Management is essential for the administration and organization of documents
and information in the construction of an institution's memory. The focus of this proposal is
the information recording of relevant cultural activities held at the Centro Cultural
UFMG, in a dynamic and shared way. The digital content, text, images, photos, and videos
related to cultural activities will be stored in a database and / or specific directory, in order
to facilitate research, communication, promotion and production for new events. The
developed tool, in addition to provide the necessary mechanisms for building the digital
collection from the current management, also enables to register memory of periods
prior to this administration. Therefore, it is a contribution to the construction
of memory and preservation of values of the institution.