Monografias de Especialização
Análise dos impactos relacionados ao rompimento da barragem de Fundão em Mariana/MG com enfâse em recursos hídricos
Pollyana Rocha Franco Dutra
The dam of Fundão, belonging to the set of dams of the mining company Samarco, with tailings volume of approximately 55 million cubic meters, broke on November 05, 2015, gaining national and international repercussion due to its severity and disorders related to environmental impacts, social and economic conditions to the population that inhabited the environment of the dam as well as to the environment. The material traveled through the Doce River bed, significantly affecting 35 cities of Minas Gerais and 3 cities of Espírito Santo. The Rio Doce basin is part of the Southeast Atlantic hydrographic region. Based on this fact, it is proposed to discuss in the present study the different impacts caused by the rupture of the Fundão dam, together with technical knowledge related to the Rio Doce Basin, as well as its characterization before and after the accident, damage potential and the consequences of environmental impacts with emphasis on water resources in the scenario of the event, in accordance with CONAMA Resolution No. 357/2005 and the COPAM / CERH-MG Joint Normative Resolution No. 01/2008 that bodies of water and environmental guidelines for its framing, as well as establishing the conditions and standards for effluent releases. It is important to emphasize that before the accident, the waters of the Doce, already suffered strong and constant degradation, with the irregular discharge of effluents originating from anthropic activities (domestic and industrial sewage), besides the misuse by neighboring communities, with the eviction of solid waste. Thus, in addition to the work carried out by the companies legally responsible for the structure that was broken, by the states and pertinent authorities, it is the job to work with the population called environmental education.