Monografias de Especialização
A percepção da necessidade de tratamento odontológico seqüencial dos usuários que buscam atendimento de urgência
Thais Aguiar Oliveira
The search of the urgency dentistry treatment is very frequent at the Alcides Lins Healthcare Centre. Situations related to pain, discomfort, compromised aesthetics and dental trauma, among others, are the main causes. Urgencies are the late consequences of the lack of programs that could support community healthcare. This work aimed to verify the perception of the patients that searched the emergency treatment concerning the need of seeking the sequential dentistry treatment. Theresearch was conducted using a questionnaire, during the period of 3 months (March, April and May, 2009), and the results showed that 70% of the patients understand the need of the sequential treatment and only 30% dont. To reverse this situation in medium and long term, it is proposed not only to improve the population education towards health, but also a more efficient hosting of the patients in the healthcare units.