dc.contributorTatiana Gorete Ribeiro Machado e Freitas
dc.creatorClaudia Santos Almeida
dc.description.abstractThe objective of this study is to analyzeif the teacher, through research activities, can show to students of elementary school II a broader view on the fungi and bacteria. The study was conducted in a class with 20 students enrolled in the 8th grade of elementary school II. In the present studyinvestigative activities were used through research, practice and film (video). A questionnaire was developed with students before and another identical after the activities. The analysis of students' responses might provide results that said what was assumed in the baseline. Methods with investigative character promote better learning for students, encouraging them to learn and discoveries. According to the research in question could be concluded that this method was effective in teaching fungi and bacteria through the results obtained from the developed questionnaires and reports from students themselves. In addition to getting answers that confirmed the initial assumption, with investigative methods, it also noted that this method was more interesting tothem when asked about the lessons they had.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Minas Gerais
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.subjectEnsino de ciências
dc.subjectFungos e bactérias
dc.subjectMétodo investigativo
dc.titleAulas investigativas para contribuir com a aprendizagem sobre fungos e bactérias
dc.typeMonografias de Especialização

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