Monografias de Especialização
Controle microbiológico de tecidos humanos utilizados para transplantes
Paula Renata Machado Passos
The use of biological tissues for transplant is becoming a reality in Brazil. Formerly, only the organ transplant were stated and claimed as a medical breakthrough. Focusing on health issues, Brazilian Health Care (SUS) incentivizes, more and more, the opening of Tissue Banks in Brazilian states. It is the case of CETEBIO which will be the largest tissue bank in Latin America and currently it is being performed by the state of Minas Gerais. It has been proved the benefits of biological tissues in the treatment of many clinical situations. It is the case of musculosquekeletal tissues in trauma and the skin in grave burns. Precautions must be taken to the extreme in order to ensure the tissue quality and also to protect possible infections caused by the transplant. Especially regarding people in poor health condition which are prone to a greater number of infections. There are some legislations and international rules regarding the microbiology of donors as well as the donated tissue. The screening, the social record and donators physicians should also be considered, regarding the clinical exam done before it was collected. The microbiological analysis which verifies the presence of bacterias and yeasts must be done throughout the stages in which the tissue was submitted; from the collection until the stage of release. This essay helps us to better understand the stages in which contamination occurs and the main microorganisms focusing on alternative measures in order to minimize tissue loss and consequently benefit a greater number of patients.