| Monografia (especialização)
Perfil das lesões musculo-esqueléticas de jogadores jovens de futebol
Felipe Ribeiro Pereira
Evaluation of the musculoskeletal injuries profile of in young soccer players. The
purpose of the study was to determine the cause, severity and the place where it
happens more often in soccer players aged between 15 and 20 years. We analyzed a
sample of 151 male athletes, from the youth team of two major football teams in the
state of Minas Gerais. A questionnaire regarding the cause, severity and place of
injury that the athlete has been involved was applied. In this questionnaire we
identified whether the injury was caused by trauma or overuse, the anatomical region
affected and the time off caused by injury. The results showed a higher rate of
overuse injury when compared to other studies. Ankle, knee and thigh were the most
affected places. And severe injuries were most common in our study. We conclude
that the retrospective questionnaire is effective for demonstrating the most affected
location, but does not translate the findings in other studies regarding the severity of
the injury. As for the cause, the literature contains data with some great variability,
some similar to this study and others not.