| Dissertação
Contratos coletivos de assistência médica suplementar: estudo de caso em empresa empregadora e sindicato no ramo metalúrgico em Minas Gerais
Isabela Luiza Moreira Brant
Introduction: The Federal Constitution of 1988 establishes the Unified Health
System (SUS) in 1988 and, even with its creation, health care for workers in Brazil is
predominantly performed by the supplementary private health sector. The historical
trajectory of medical care to workers carries traits inherited from the social security
structure. The current shape of the Brazilian Health System is dichotomized in two
sub-sectors: the public and the private. The latter, still stratified in a supplemental
segment and a liberal / autonomous segment. Of special interest is the study of the
supplementary sector constituted by 48.8 million beneficiaries in medical and / or
dental care plans. Of these, approximately 80% have collective health care plans.
Such plans have been the subject of negotiation in the demands for assistance
between unions and companies, a process that contributes to the privatization of the
health sector in Brazil. Objective: To understand the collective contracting of health
plans for medical care to formal workers, using as central analysis the speeches of
the social actors involved. Methodology: This is an exploratory case study with a
qualitative contribution, carried out with a union representative and a representative
of the employing company, from the metallurgical branch. The data were collected
through documental analysis and semi-structured interview and analyzed from the
perspective of discourse analysis proposed by Michel Foucault. Results: Over 19
years, the metallurgical category surveyed carried out 26 collective health care
conventions and of these, 16 (61%) are clauses of medical-ambulatory health care or
hospital and dental care plans. The employer made 42 collective health care
agreements, 21 (50%) on the same subject. The perception of the interviewees about
the health care of the workers being currently the responsibility of the collective
health plans gave rise to three themes. The first one says about the role of the union
and the company in the collective contracting of health care, the second emphasizes
the position of the interviewees on the regulation of the supplementary sector
exercised by the ANS and the third talks about the use of the services offered by the
SUS by the workers. Final Thoughts: The correlated discourses result in reflections
on the historical movement of collective contractions of health plan for the class of
workers in Brazil. In the enunciated ones, we have seen to emerge innumerable
problems of the past that still creep without solution, among them, the increasing
privatization of the Brazilian health system.