Monografias de Especialização
Fatores relacionados à recidiva gestacional em adolescentes: a importância da orientação
Nubia Fernanda da Silva
That task is a descriptive study whit qualitative approach whose purpose is to analyse the factors that influence the gestational recurrence of teenagers in a municipality from the Midwest of Minas Gerais. The semi-structured interview was addopted as the main instrument of data collection. Eleven teenagers with gestational recurrence have participated in the research included in the Strategies of Municipality Family Unity. The themes that appeared were Perception of teens about pregnancy, Contraceptive Methods, Knowledge of teens, Knowledge of teens about family planning and Factors leading to gestational recurrence. Teenagers describe recurrence of pregnancy in a contradictory way because while they are happy, they are sad and afraid But despite all, they consider it a positive factor. Even if the pregnancy hasn´t been planned requires the teens to structure their lives from a newlook. It concludes that the first unwanted pregnancy is not a learning mean to prevent a future one. The main factors that have influenced the gestational recurrence were not using contraceptive method and/or inappropriate uses as disruption of condoms, forgetting to use oral contraceptives, and a desire to get pregnant for some reasons such as holding the boyfriend, getting married, having a company, and others.