Monografia (especialização)
Reestruturação do sistema de informação da gestão do trabalho e da gestão da educação da secretaria de Estado da saúde do Espírito Santo: uma proposta de intervenção
Andrey Luis Mozzer
The advances that information systems have suffered over the past decades have brought
technological tools increasingly sophisticated, allowing the unification and interconnection of
various information systems, leveraging the work, giving better conditions for the exercise of
activities. Especially increasingly allow, support decision-making of public managers and
present our population, the information necessary for the full exercise of citizenship,
participation and social control. Considering this context, it has been aimed at this Labor
Course Completion (TCC), develop an intervention proposal for the restructuring of the
management information system of Labour and Management in Health Education of the State
Secretariat of Health of Spirit Holy (SESA). With this restructuring, we intend to bring the
improvement of Administrative Management, Management of Teaching and Management
Academic Center for Education and Training in Health (NUEFS), which comprises the
Management Education SESA.