dc.contributorRoberta Vieira Goncalves de Souza
dc.creatorMariana Eugenia Rodrigues Moura
dc.description.abstractHuman occupation in cities and physical transformation of territory has always required an index of social, economic and environmental awareness as a premise for a regular occupation in space. A major responsibility for ensuring this condition is the urban regulating agents that, through urban laws, guide the way the land is used and occupied. The occupation of non-regular form is directly related to the climatic changes that infers in the daily of the society. In order for the baance between urban morphology and urban bioclimatism to be achieved in order to reduce the consequences of this occupation on the indices that contribute to the alteration of the urban climate and impair the confort conditions.The objective of this study was to highlight the initiatives present in urban laws that apply mitigation measures to reduce the impacts generated by urbanization in order to promote a less aggressive development to the environment and better housing conditions in cities. For this purpose, bibliographical and documentary research was used, in consultation with the recommendations in the City Statute for the elaboration of Executive Plans, the complementary Laws on Land Use and Occupation and Codes of Works, the legislation pertinent to the theme of the municipalities of Paracatu (MG), Rio de Janeiro (RJ), Salvador (BA) and Porto Alegre (RS), as well as relevant theorists on the subject. The definitions of the criteria of urban bioclimatology and applications in Brazilian cities and abroad were pointed out and an analysis of the factors related to the urban morphology that impacted on the climatic changes was made. Regarding the analysis of the legislations of the municipalities surveyed, the main criteria found in the urban planning legislations that determine parameters for lighting and ventilation, orientation of the building, transmittance index, among others, were presented, which represent mitigating measures for the action that urban planning exercises on climate change. The theoretical framework chapter includes the subtitle: Legal Legal Overview of the Statute of the City, dated July 10, 2001; Relation between urban instruments; Urban Bioclimatology: Concept and applications in Brazilian cities and abroad; The relationship between urban settlement models and the impacts related to climate change. The chapter pertinent to the Results presents the strategies present in Codes of Municipal Works of the municipalities surveyed and proposals of insertion and alteration of urban planning legislations with respect to the concepts of urban bioclimatism. It is concluded that there is an evolution in the contents regarding the legislation of urban and regional planning over the years in Brazil, within the perspective of environmental issues and promotion of sustainability. However, the challenges are still great for the construction of economic cities, safe and capable of promoting health environments and quality of life for the inhabitants. Therefore, it is necessary to apply the concepts identified in the relevant research and legislation, based on periodic reviews of the content of urban laws and the monitoring of applications and results.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Minas Gerais
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.subjectMudanças climáticas
dc.subjectPlanejamento urbano
dc.titleMedidas mitigadoras para os impactos gerados pela morfologia urbana sobre o quadro atual de mudanças climáticas para aplicação em leis urbanísticas
dc.typeMonografias de Especialização

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